Dominion Bucks Restaurant

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Fast food restaurant

  • BODIFA House, KN 5 Road, Kigali, Rwanda

  • clock 24 x 7 Open

Tea & Other Organic Beverages (17) : view all

African Tea


African Tea is a refreshing, soothing, and healthy drink that you can enjoy with friends and family. 
English Tea


English Tea is a hot beverage consisting of black tea, sugar, and milk. The drink is served hot in a cup or glass. It is typically accompanied by a sweetener and usually a tea bag.
Hot Chocolate


Hot chocolate is a classic drink that has been around for hundreds of years. It is typically made by melting chocolate and adding hot water or milk, which is then stirred to create a creamy drink.
Hot Milk


Hot milk is a drink that is rich in protein and vitamins. It is a classic drink that is popular among the breakfast crowd.
Black Tea


Black tea is a traditional beverage that is prepared from the leaves of the tea plant, It is a popular beverage that is served hot or iced.
Milk Tea


Milk tea is a hot, sweet, and creamy beverage made with milk, tea, sugar, and spices.
Lemon Tea


Lemon Tea is a refreshing tea with a tart and tangy taste. This tea is great for those looking for a citrus-flavored drink that doesn't have a lot of sugar.
Dominion Spiced Chai


Dominion Spiced Chai is a hot and creamy blend of clovers, cinnamon, cardamon, ginger & milk.
Ginger Tea


A hot cup of ginger tea will help you feel better with a soothing heat. The spice comes from the ginger root and is a great remedy for colds and arthritis. The tea can also help with nausea, indigestion, and gas.
Massala Tea


Massala tea is a blend of black tea, spices, and milk with a distinctive flavor. It is one of the most famous teas in the world.
Red Mint Tea


Red Mint Tea is a naturally caffeine-free tea that has a refreshing, calming taste. It's a great choice for those looking for a change from the traditional teas. 
Green Tea


Green Tea has a very pleasant taste and a refreshing scent. Green Tea has a lot of health benefits, like boosting your metabolism and reducing inflammation. 


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